The celebration in hall was awesome in the ambiance although hiccups in the AV dept was unfortunately plentiful. As least the street dance went ahead nicely and I managed to record it as my CT rep did the groovy thing. muahaha.
But there was a poignant moment which brought tears that linger in the orbits for a while - when they showed a powerpoint on quotes about this profession. I do not know what others thought: typical or cheesy but the Emo-disturbance wasn't because I think I have done well for I still have so much more to learn but because I was reminded of the 2 teachers who put me on this path. Perhaps more than some others, I can truly appreciate the quotes. As usual for the past decade, I bought and put their fav Royce into their pigeonholes before heading to school on Fri morning. One of them msged me during our concert and her words reverberates in my heart for a long time because I know she was having issues with management within these few years: 'Happy T-day to you too! you are one of the reasons I can go on teaching.....'. We asked ourselves why we do what we do. I want to tell her that she is also one of the reasons I choose teaching.
There were many well-wishes. Quite a number came as a surprise like students from REACH and RC-LF because our interaction had been somewhat limited. And of cos, my SQL08 whose msgs brought back such wonderful memories. =)
And I must say I was really impressed with the surprises from L. Such creativity, thoughtfulness and good taste in music (someone has been watching too much korean drama?!). I saw the effort in coordinating, choreographing and writing notes when you could be doing tutorials :P. I am also very grateful to have all of you for the rest of your 2-yr journey.
PS: The video is quite addictive and I have to stop clicking on it :P. Definitely something I can show off to hahah.
B too. I know it was probably difficult to get everyone to write something down since there is a lack of consistency in class size and I appreciates the effort. And I know often we go beyond words. =)
D and the softballers. The latter's R-rated card really kept the bio dept entertained =P. The former tell me that I am doing something right for them since taking over them during this interim period.
Mmm...gotta stop or it will be difficult to end and I have to start marking =P.
Thank all who cross my paths and keep me going.
Have a good hols!
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