As U race to the starting line.... Good Luck!!

A Few Updates B4 the Dash


1) Chemiosmosis VS Photophosphorylation

The meaning of the two terms can be derived from the words themselves.

Chemiosmosis refers simply to the movement of H+ ions i.e. pump across the membrane when electrons move along the ETC to release energy for activity. The electrons then diffuse back across the membrane through the hydrophilic pore of the ATPase with a release of energy that is coupled to the synthesis of ATP.

(where H+ moves from and to depends on the topic)

Photophosphorylation: how light energy is used to phosphorylate ADP to make ATP or how light energy is converted to chemical energy.

This would cover the many events from PSII to PS I and how ATP is eventually synthesized. Thus, chemiosmosis plays a part in photophorylation but here we are concerned with the process of synthesis of ATP. Chemiosmosis is just about H+ movement -reference to ATP is minor but usually we include it in brief.

2) ATPase? ATP synthetase? ATP synthase?

It is ATPase or ATP synthase.

In DNA genomics we have aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase!

M & M

3. In tutorial, there was a given answer (by me) comparing anaI and anaII: each chromosome in anaI is bound by spindle fibers from one pole while in anaII, each chromosomes is bound by spindle fibers from both poles

Amendment: This should be a difference in Metaphase not Anaphase. In anaphaseII, the 2 sister chromatids would have been separated so each chromosome is actually attached to spindle fibers from each poles...

2nd mark is: whether centromere has divided or not
3rd mark is: the sister chromatids are pulled together towards each pole in anaI but the sister chromatids are separated and pulled towards opp poles in anaII

4. Crossing over = physical exchange of equivalent portions of genetic material. It is NOT when one non-sister chromatid is on top of the other/overlap.

5. Chiasma must form first before crossing over can take place. (amendment to notes)

6.What is the middle lamella (cytokinesis/Plant)

Cell walls consist of 3 types of layers:

Middle lamella:This is the first layer formed during cell division. The middle part of cell wall that is made up of pectic compounds and protein and cements the cell walls of two adjoining cells together. Plants need this to give them stability and so that they can form plasmodesmata between the cells. It is the first layer which is deposited at the time of cytokinesis.

Primary wall: This is formed after the middle lamella and consists of a rigid skeleton of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a gel-like matrix composed of pectic compounds, hemicellulose, and glycoproteins.

Secondary wall: formed after cell enlargement is completed. The secondary wall is extremely rigid and provides compression strength. It is made of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The secondary wall is often layered.

6a. Mitosis, mitotic cycle, cytokinesis? (Inspiration from Qn 25 of mcQs.)

1) the cell cycle is also known as the mitotic cycle. Thus it will include the Interphase as well as the M phase (M for mitotic/mitosis PHASE).

2) the mitosis PHASE, comprises of Mitosis (pro-meta-ana-telo-phase)+ Cytokinesis

so mitotic cycle, mitotic/mitosis phase and mitosis are different ideas.


7. Can many prophages exist in a bacteria? (I forgot whether I have addressed this) - (ADDITIONAL)

Depends on the context.
Once a lambda phage enter a lysogenic cycle as prophage, there is superinfection where the DNA of other lambda phages is rendered useless

However, if the bacteria get infected by another type of virus, it is possible to have different type of prophages in the cell because the immune mechanism/inihibitory mechanism of lambda phage may not work on other types of virus. =)



MCQ test

Lecture Notes

8. what is an effector molecule?
(note that we are talking about effector MOLECULE. Effector in physio is different)

An effector is a molecule (originally referring to small molecules but now encompassing any regulatory molecule, includes proteins) that binds to a protein and thereby alters the activity of that protein. A modulator molecule binds to a regulatory site during allosteric modulation and allosterically modulates the shape of the protein.

Thus tryptophan and lactose are effectors because they binds to repressors(a protein) to alter its function/activity - Trp activates it while Lac inhibit it. cAMP is also an effector molecule.
(it is just that effectors may have specific names or reference like co-repressor. 'Effector molecule' is an umbrella term.)

9. What is a metabolite?

Metabolites are the intermediates and products of metabolism. The term metabolite is usually restricted to small molecules.
Very general. Not to worry over.

Do We Have a Role to Play?

Can heave a sigh of relief now.
I finally got out of the house to catch "the dark knight' on Wed. The last one was so good with the directing and acting that I wouldn't want to miss this before the curtains fall in the next few weeks. Crossing the road to buy a cup of cafe mocha from Starbucks, I met a schoolmate from R-I who is now a pilot and looking good still - a good thing really since we are all theoretically reaching the prime of our life..although some are less fortunate in the 'ageing gracefully' department. We made small talk and we agreed that half the world has seen the show. A simple conversation and it made me realise that watching movies has stopped becoming a priority in our lives. In the past the movie theatres were exciting destinations for us and for me, it was an intense 2-hr session of plot, wit and drama. Talking during show or eating popcorn was a no-no and for that 2-hr you just lose yourself to another exciting world. I started watching movies on my own when I was P5. After school on Friday which was early dismissal day, I would head down to TP library to devour books or watch a movie at either of the two theatres there. In the past, the ticket stubs comes in either pink/blue or yellow and there are even circle seats. using a waxy pencil, the ticket lady would write your seat number on the stub after crossing out the same number on her seating plan. you take the stub and hand it over to one of the old uncles at the doors very much like those in Lido.
you dun get carpeted floor or plush seat but theatres in those day are huge (imagine the existence of circle seat on another level), seats are wrapped with synthetic leather and creaked with resistance. once, I saw a cockroach scurrying away.those were the days....

As we grow older, our priorities in life do change and in the last decade, with the emergence of internet and interconnectivity of the world, there is a perceptible change in landscape and the playground. How much do we need the theatres when there are so many online streaming venues?
Yesterday I went for a course and we talked about the loads of information that can be found at one's fingertips. If information is so readily accessible (last time we can only rely on books) online, is there a place for the teachers? What are our roles? If knowledge is no longer as powerful as it once was, what is?
one of my friends struggled with the notion but I told him that there still so much to do other that the answers that we give to the kids. If we want to secure the grades, we can just push and demand. But as the speakers from yesterday said, classroom is a place where we impart not only knowledge but also skills. Skills that empower our kids to cope with life and to reality. Our education has merely provided us with a simple, direct path that we can walk upon but there are other smaller foot paths that we can also take only if we choose to stop to smell the roses and then to discover them.
If you ask me, it is not about the greatness they attained in their future but I hope that they will have a life well-lived with integrity and love.


I was troubled for a long time now until a friend I met up recently reminded me that the world has changed much since we left school and we have grown older as well. With
that, it is natural and perfectly fine to lose that simple innocence in things around us. It doesn't have to make you a worse person than before but simply wiser/more knowledgable. But keep that innocence in relationship I said because it is that essence that makes the world a better place to live in.

Will not write anymore for now. Was so stressed up with marking in the middle of the week that I couldn't sleep well for a few nights. There was a night I slept at 2am but only to wake up at 6am to continue marking because I was so worried that I couldnt finish marking before hols ends and there are so many other things to do. My parents got a bit worried because I wasn't in a good state. But I eventually completed yesterday so I shall cherish these moments of bliss and rest early. And perhaps contemplate about the many questions that came up.

All the best pple!

Question that could not be found in your tutorial

Happy T Day

The year went by so fast and we were already celebrating T-Day while I am still basking in last year's. It has been a while and I hope I am wiser and more capable in my delivery.

The celebration in hall was awesome in the ambiance although hiccups in the AV dept was unfortunately plentiful. As least the street dance went ahead nicely and I managed to record it as my CT rep did the groovy thing. muahaha.
But there was a poignant moment which brought tears that linger in the orbits for a while - when they showed a powerpoint on quotes about this profession. I do not know what others thought: typical or cheesy but the Emo-disturbance wasn't because I think I have done well for I still have so much more to learn but because I was reminded of the 2 teachers who put me on this path. Perhaps more than some others, I can truly appreciate the quotes. As usual for the past decade, I bought and put their fav Royce into their pigeonholes before heading to school on Fri morning. One of them msged me during our concert and her words reverberates in my heart for a long time because I know she was having issues with management within these few years: 'Happy T-day to you too! you are one of the reasons I can go on teaching.....'. We asked ourselves why we do what we do. I want to tell her that she is also one of the reasons I choose teaching.

There were many well-wishes. Quite a number came as a surprise like students from REACH and RC-LF because our interaction had been somewhat limited. And of cos, my SQL08 whose msgs brought back such wonderful memories. =)

And I must say I was really impressed with the surprises from L. Such creativity, thoughtfulness and good taste in music (someone has been watching too much korean drama?!). I saw the effort in coordinating, choreographing and writing notes when you could be doing tutorials :P. I am also very grateful to have all of you for the rest of your 2-yr journey.

PS: The video is quite addictive and I have to stop clicking on it :P. Definitely something I can show off to hahah.

B too. I know it was probably difficult to get everyone to write something down since there is a lack of consistency in class size and I appreciates the effort. And I know often we go beyond words. =)

D and the softballers. The latter's R-rated card really kept the bio dept entertained =P. The former tell me that I am doing something right for them since taking over them during this interim period.

Mmm...gotta stop or it will be difficult to end and I have to start marking =P.
Thank all who cross my paths and keep me going.

Have a good hols!