I know that I probably shouldnt be typing in this blog right now but Slagoon said recently that I should get a life so - nope, typing here is not the alternative life! - so I decided to relate my escapist life for a while. Or not.
I started my volunteer work again last saturday when we had a youth-volunteer session out at macRitche for an overnight camp. Working with new volunteers and staff is always a great challenge because sometimes adults are the hardest to manage but I think this group will get along fine although i realised that I m considered one of the oldies. So, despite my weariness that afternoon without my siesta, I got myself out of my inert state and got a little bossy to get things moving which everyone somehow assumed to be the teacher-trait. Err..where did that come from?
I got three youths under me, ranging from 14-16. They are cool kids without all the piercing I saw in another although I sensed quiet angst in two which I think I need to contain and diffuse. It was a tough day but I think we got along well after checking one another out. It will be a long journey to take together for the year.
Last Sunday we had ORA softball carnival. A day of play and reunion.
I unhappeningly brought some marking down although in the end I only managed a script - and that was definitely not the highlight of the event :).
I finally met up with T after so many years. Writing this post reminded me to send him a bday greeting which I always did because he is the yearly joke, born on 1st April. =P So we got together, catching up over light throws with those familiar throwing styles. He was always the bubbly one, full of exuberance while I am supposedly level-headed, setting things properly. So here I am presenting to you, the captain and vice-capt of '97, with the extra kilos:
Some students asked me about my decision to teach since they got the moe invites for the moe scholarship talk. It is a long story but if you are really interested, next time then :)
No time liao. i need to churn out some work.
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