Tough at 30

IP-PT and shooting today for reservist.
As usual, i am pretty pathetic at shooting because I have never been very stable. But then it was my first failure since i passed out and after getting a marksman the last round 4 years ago. Yet I cannot expect much if my skills fluctuate as much as my bullets every time :P
But ha! I showed the youngsters that I can still make it at 30 for IPPT :P
I was actually surprised at my own performance but then again, I had been working out for the whole year.
39 sit-up, 9 pull-ups, 8.9 shuttle run, 255 standing broad jump and 10.58 2.4km. not bad at all *pat on the back* and 29 points.

nonetheless, the best part was still getting to know the pple who turned up. The comadarie and support we had shown one another, the chit-chat and the strong spirit! Yea! I am looking forward to tomorrow already!