Flying Off

I am back. For a while. Perhaps the next few mintues typing on this page.
Thanks to slagoon for attempt to keep the the blog vibrant in activity. =)

Right now I am in an almost blank-out state after working furiously on next year's notes for the past 5 days. It was like those days in Uni when I would work endlessly for days on one paper assignment after another. Then at the end, when all have been submitted, the body would crash out physiologically with an immense sense of relief. I ALMOST missed that feeling. ;P

That day, I had a discussion with some teachers on overseas CIP:

I am sure that doing overseas CIP has its benefits because I have seen my own group of teens grew from it and it also allowed me to see a different side of them after working with them for months locally. As a facilitator, we can appreciate the changes we observed in our own team but what does it mean for the participants?

From a teen's point of view, why do you join overseas CIP? Could we have spent the same amount of time and resources to do local community work?
For those who had been on a project before, does that mean that you are more involved in local community work?

Really, whether it is CIP overseas or local and it doesn't even have to be a Project, to get us to doing some good around in this world. It comes with a sense of compassion and the simple awareness of other's needs.
When my brother went backpacking in Australia for a month, he bought burgers for the homeless lying around on the streets to fill their stomachs. And I thought that was just so amazing of my brother. And it also struck the point that we can do good anywhere even when we are on holidays, when we are usually oblivious to the rest of the world except the touristy attactions.

I think I am not too coherent already. I need sleep.

Last point - I am flying off this SUnday!! After 4 years, I am really going back to Yunnan to visit one of my kids (the whereabout of the rest is unknown), wandering on my own in search of his obscure location. . I guess it is about time to make this journey.
What will I do there? I 'aint too sure. He used to write about chatting all-night long along the yangtze river. But I think we are too far away from the river in this new school he is studying. Perhaps we will just chat and talk about life and how his is going to turn out. Perhaps I can help him ifor his educatiotn so that life can be better for him and his family? And knowing him, he will do good for his village and people around him. Perhaps I will start a chain reaction of pay it forward. it will all be 4 days later.

From 4 years back...